Monday, January 30, 2012

Mustache Pen

Yep, this is my second post so far, so woopdie-doo (Told you I'll be back). Once again I'm gonna remind you that this blog is super-duper (Eww did I get that word from Barney?) random, and that its just some of my thoughts at the moment or something that catches my attention at the moment...

Alright so, maybe these are old (don't know when they came out) but their mustache pens! What a funny-clever idea! I know what you thinking, what the 'sensored'? Girls aren't suppose to have mustaches- and that's exactly my point. I use to think it was weird, but now that I see it in a different light (like girls will never have mustaches) its funny to see how they would look if they did (does that make sense?). Anyways its a funny idea someone invented. Just wanted to share that..

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